Nev Connor

Nev Connor

Theatre and performance

Nev Connor has a diverse portfolio of work including theatre, screenwriting, dramaturge, film and spoken word and has performed extensively within schools, museums, community spaces and in nature. Nev particularly enjoys improvisation, education, devising community plays and working within corporate roleplay, often with medical schools throughout Devon as a simulated patient.

Recently, Nev performed excerpts of his one man play, ‘Farewell Jamaica’, at the RAMM (Exeter) followed by a performance to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Windrush at the Positive Lights Projects (Exeter).

Previously, Nev worked within the NHS as a Senior Health Coach and—for those with learning differences—a Community Resource Worker; he also has extensive experience as a mental health trainer and was a soldier in the British Army. Alongside acting, he works as a mentor, facilitator, culture & diversity consultant and is the founding director of Ubuntu Educational & Mentoring Services CIC which provides services that support young people, families, support teams and communities.

Nev is the father to two girls who say they enjoy his cooking, taxi dad services, guidance and the contents of his wallet! To relax, he often paints abstract art, listens to soulful music, loves to dance, keeps fit and spends time in nature.
