Beyond the Horizon streaming - Erik Boekesteijn talks to Nick Poole
Tue 07 Jul 2020
Libraries Unlimited is proud to present a series of five talks from international pioneers in library and community practice, presented in collaboration with Libraries Connected and the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health (WCCEH).
Erik Boekesteijn talks to Nick Poole
Recorded on Thu 25 Jun 2020, Zoom Interview, 15.00-16.00
Erik Boekesteijn interviewed by Nick Poole, CEO of CILIP.
Erik is a leading force in revolutionising libraries as multi-functioning spaces, held at the heart of communities. He spends his days navigating an impressive collection of roles, including Senior Advisor at the National Library at the Netherlands (KB), Board member for StoryHouse, Chester, UK; Facilitator and consultant for IFLA.; Consultant for Public Libraries 2020, and founding father of Public Libraries 2030. He is also Owner of Shanachie Media and producer of This Week in Libraries.
Erik and Nick discuss and explore new ways of thinking and approaching the role of the library and librarian at this new time and consider ideas for moving forward.