Beyond the Horizon streaming - Marie Østergård talks to Stuart Hamilton
Tue 07 Jul 2020
Libraries Unlimited is proud to present a series of five talks from international pioneers in library and community practice, presented in collaboration with Libraries Connected and the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health (WCCEH).
Marie Østergård talks to Stuart Hamilton
Recorded on Thu 2 Jul 2020, Zoom Interview, 15.00-16.00
Marie Østergård talks to Stuart Hamilton, Head of Libraries Development at LGMA, Ireland. Marie is one of the true trailblazers of the library in the modern age.
She is Library Director of Aarhus Public Libraries, overseeing Dokk1 (the largest public library in the Nordic Countries & winner of Public Library of the Year Award 2016) and 18 branches. She is also Co-inventor of the Biannual Next Libraries conference. Since the beginning of her career in 2001 she has been part of Aarhus Public Libraries’ development of the library as a democratic space – a non-commercial space that empowers citizenship, sustainable communities and human growth. A champion of citizen involvement in its many forms, throughout the years she has worked intensely with co-operation and partnerships – nationally and internationally – to ensure development and innovation in the library sector.
In this talk with Stuart, they explore the role of partnerships at this time - with communities, stakeholders and one another.